The Flip Game Launch Webinar - Dan Earle-Haddad

Join me on JUNE 21 for the official launch of my new book, The Flip Game, and get the Kindle Edition FREE!
On the webinar, I will reveal by THREE BIGGEST SECRETS that I've learned over the past 24 YEARS selling on eBay. That's right, I first started selling on eBay BACK IN 1999 and I'm still going!

If you're brand new to reselling and FLIPPING, this webinar is going to show you all of the details of this MASSIVE MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITY and help you hit the ground running. And even if you're an experienced online seller, I'm confident that you'll learn something NEW that will help your business grow.
Not only is the The Flip Game FUN, it can also WILDLY PROFITABLE! Just flipping a single item can sometimes put HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS in your pocket!
Like this Domino Classic Personal Hearing System that I bought for $10 and SOLD FOR $600!

Items like this are LITERALLY SITTING ON THE SHELVES OF LOCAL THRIFT STORES and my new book, The Flip Game, will show you exactly how to find them. When you know how to look up and evaluate items using your smartphone, YOU can be the one to make these profits!
Just sign up below to join the launch webinar FOR FREE and get a FREE Kindle COPY of my newest book, The Flip Game ($9.95 value)!
Keep reading to learn about my THREE FAVORITE PLACES to find profitable FLIPS as well as the TWO EASIEST WAYS that you can use to identify items (also referred to as "LOOK UP ITEMS").
So what even is 'FLIPPING'?
Flipping is the EASY and FUN way to make money online that literally ANYONE can do.
Like this NERF bat that I bought for $2.49 at a thrfit store that sells for $75-$100 on eBay!

You may be asking yourself, "Flipping sounds FUN and COOL, but how much money can I actually make with this?"
The truth is that you can make anywhere from a FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS a week to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS every month! It really just depends on how much time you're able top spend sourcing inventory.
This is what makes FLIPPING so amazing! You can do it as a part-time hobby that puts some vacation money in your pocket or you can work to build it up and into a full-time business.

When you know how to FLIP items online, you'll have the CONFIDENCE to know that you can MAKE MONEY when you need to. Flipping is literally the PERFECT side-hustle because it's something that you can do when you want to (or need to), and you can also pause your business and take breaks anytime.

My three favorite sources of inventory to FLIP online are:
1. Yard Sales / Garage Sales
I primarily make a list of local yard sales by searching on Facebook Marketplace and by using the Craigslist app. There are other apps but I find that they mostly just pull from Facebook and Craigslist anyway.

I'll add the addresses to Google Maps and rearrange them to make the route as efficient as possible. If a sale looks REALLY GOOD, I'll go out of my way to go to that sale EARLIER on the route.
2. Thrift Stores
I simply use Google Maps to find my local thrift stores. Thrift stores are constantly putting out new inventory but don't make yourself crazy by going to the same thrift stores TOO OFTEN because you can end up seeing the same items over and over again.
3. Estate Sales is the best place to find any local estate sales. They often have TONS of pictures and you can use Google Lens to look up potential FLIPS ahead of time.

Find a sale with a TON of great items to FLIP? Make a plan and get there early! And don't assume that all of the good flips get snatched up in the first hour; I frequently find amazing items on the LAST DAY of many estate sales.
I go into much more detail about these sources of profitable items to FLIP in my new book, The Flip Game. Sign up below to join the launch webinar FOR FREE and get a FREE Kindle COPY ($9.95 value)!

The TWO MAIN WAYS to look up items to FLIP:
Some of the EASIEST types of products that you can find to FLIP are items with BARCODES. The eBay and Amazon apps are completely FREE and can scan practically ANY BARCODE.
You can find TONS of barcoded items at thrift stores, yard sales, and estate sales and if you look long enough, you'll find items LIKE THIS:
You can see the price tag from Savers of just $10.99. You can scan the barcode and look at the SOLD LISTINGS on eBay to see that this item sells for HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS!

I sold mine on eBay for $500! Flipping an $11 item into $500? SCORE!

Try it for yourself! Open the eBay or Amazon app and SCAN THIS BARCODE:

Here's another BIG WINNER item that I would have definitely PASSED ON if it didn't have a barcode to scan.

You can see that I bought this item for just $9.99 at Savers and sold it for $599.95!

My new book, The Flip Game, has TONS of additional examples. Sign up below to join the launch webinar FOR FREE and get a FREE Kindle COPY ($9.95 value)!

The second way to look up items is Google Lens. IT'S SO GOOD. Flipping was already a fun treasure hunt but Google Lens just really takes things to a whole new level. If you've never used Google Lens, you can get it here:
Here's an item that stood out to me because I had never seen anything like it and it appeared to be a high-quality product (priced at Savers for $12.99).
Using Google Lens, I was able to identify it as Gears of War Lancer Replica (bloody version).

And now that I know what it is, I can see what it sells for by searching the SOLD listings on eBay.

EASY SCORE! This item was just sitting in the pile of NERF guns in the toy section at Savers. I don't know how long it was there, but you can be sure that I bought it as soon as I figured out what it was (and what it sells for online).
Can Google Lens get even better? YES! It's built into the Chrome browser so that you can search ANY IMAGE from ANY WEBSITE and, with just a couple of clicks, you can quickly and easily identify items and see what they're worth. Here is an example from

You really need to try Google Lens for yourself to see just how good it is at identifying items. It's incredibly FAST and ACCURATE! Try it RIGHT NOW on these four items (all items that can be found at thrift stores):

I go into more detail about using Google Lens in my new book, The Flip Game. Want a FREE Kindle COPY? Just come to the webinar!

In my opinion, too many people are overlooking BOOKS as great items to FLIP. Here are SIX REASONS why I absolutely LOVE flipping books.
Books are:
- Easy to FIND (book sales, thrift stores, and estate sales)
- Easy to IDENTIFY (they have barcodes or ISBNs)
- Easy to EVALUATE (scanning apps tell you the market price)
- Easy to STORE (just stack them up)
- Easy to LIST (Amazon or eBay)
- Easy to SHIP (Media Mail or USPS Flat Rate Packaging)
And you can look up the value of books by SCANNING BARCODES or by using GOOGLE LENS!

Here's a book that I bought at Savers for $2.99. You can scan the barcode yourself:

You can use the eBay or Amazon apps to scan the barcode. Here are the results from the eBay app:

And here are the Amazon app results:

Because books have BARCODES, they are EASY TO IDENTIFY. And if you can identify an item, you can see what it sells for online and then decide if it's worth buying to FLIP. If a book doesn't have a barcode, open the book and find the ISBN NUMBER. Or, you can scan the cover using Google Lens or the IMAGE SEARCH option in the Amazon and eBay apps.
Here's a hardcover book that I bought at a library book sale for $0.99. You can see the Amazon prices range from $70-$100!

You can scan the barcode yourself:

You may be thinking to yourself, "That's nice, Chris, but is that book ACTUALLY SELLING? Or is it just 'listed for' $70-$100?"
Did you know that this book SOLD on Amazon SIX TIMES over the past six months? Probably not, but I did 😊. You see, Amazon assigns every book a 'Sales Rank' and when you can understand and interpret Sales Rank, you'll know how frequently a book actually sells so that you can make good buying decisions.
And, YES, of course I cover Sales Rank in my new book, The Flip Game!
There are additional apps that are designed for SELLERS that show WAY MORE PRICING DATA (ScanPower and Keepa for example) that I go into in my new book, The Flip Game. Want a FREE Kindle COPY ($9.95 value)? Just come to the special LAUNCH WEBINAR!