Flip Of The Day #17: IllumiFlow Hands Free Laser Hair Growth System

The FLIP lessons are frequently the same: Scan barcodes and check eBay SOLD listings. It's really just that easy (so don't overthink it).
I have NO IDEA why no one else bought this item from Savers for just $10.99. I don't even know why Savers priced it at $10.99 and didn't bother to scan it themselves.
But I'm NOT complaining! I'm happy that I was in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME to pick this item up because it sells for $500-$600!
Three FLIP Lessons:
- When you see items with barcodes, SCAN THEM!
- Always check eBay COMPLETED LISTINGS to see what items have ACTUALLY SOLD FOR.
- Don't overthink it! Yes, sometimes you will find AMAZING ITEMS just like this one!
